Use This Simple Workaround if Armitage’s “Find Attack” Option Breaks [2022]

Use This Simple Workaround if Armitage’s “Find Attack” Option Breaks [2022]

Armitage is a third-party GUI for Metasploit, but as time goes on, some of its features are starting to break down.

If you've arrived at this article, you already know what Armitage is. What you may not know is why the Attacks drop-down menu exists if when you click on Find Attacks, nothing happens.

After running a scan on a target, you probably saw the message:

"Scan Complete! Use Attacks -> Find Attacks to suggest applicable exploits for your target".

So naturally, you go to Attacks -> Find Attacks and click it. The Find Attacks option is supposed to generate custom attacks for each target you scan, but no exploits load in.

Armitage then prompts:

"Attack Analysis Complete... You will now see an 'Attack' menu attached to each host in the Targets window. Happy hunting".

However, when you right click on your target, no such menu appears.

Everything else seems to be working fine. Why is this happening? I cannot tell you why, but my guess is because Armitage is an outdated Java program. Thankfully I can tell you how to fix it.

If you go up to the top left corner and click on Armitage, you should see a drop-down menu. Make sure Set Exploit Rank is set to Poor. Do this and your attacks should begin populating.


TL;DR: Armitage -> Set Exploit Rank -> Poor

Hope that helps!